Friday, February 29, 2008

Places in Between now ready for pick up....

Copies of The Places in Between by Rory Stewart are now available for pick up at the return desk at the Main Library.

We will be meeting to discuss this book March 12th in Conference Room 3.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What This Website is For...

This website exists so people can see:

What books we are reading.

When we are reading them.

Where we are meeting.

About a week before each book club meeting I will try post a few discussion points about the upcoming title. Feel free to leave comments.

I will also post important announcements, e.g. which meetings we will be nominating new titles to read.

Bryan the Librarian

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our reading / meeting schedule for Spring/Summer 2008

The Places in Between by Rory Stewart - March 12

The Worst Hard Time: the Untold Story of Those that Survived the Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan - April 9

On Beauty by Zadie Smith - May 14

Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog - June 11

Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollen - July 9

The Human Stain by Philip Roth - August 13

The 2nd Wednesday Book Club meets at the Nashville Public Library, Main Branch, in Conference Room 3.